It's been a great week for swimming - I feel like something just clicked!
On Thursday night, I had a great swim. I decided to swim the 1/4 mile swim non-stop with the plan to swim 200 yards freestyle, 50 yards side or breast stroke, and 200 yards freestyle. The second 200 yards was feeling better than the first so I thought about doing more but I got to end and took in a big gulp of water -- I guess my excitement got the best of me!
On Saturday, I went for the same plan and then after completing the second 200 yards, I was feeling good so I decided to keep going. And, before I knew it, I had done an extra 250 yards!!! So, I swam 700 yards (over 1/3 of a mile) non-stop, including the last 1/4 mile all freestyle.
I'm now feeling confident that I can do the 1/4 mile swim for my first triathlon. I signed up for the waitlist for the Nantucket triathlon in July that has a 1/3 mile swim, which now also seems doable. 1/2 mile swim still seems like a challenge and 1 mile swim seems not in the realm of my possibilities at this point...but then again, maybe it's not.
The journey of two 40 something sisters and their adventures training for triathlons from two different states.
French Linen
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
After the service, Derrick and I jumped in the mom mobile to high tail it back to the school so he could make the bus for the game. It was the farthest away game all season, close to the Maryland border. The Athletic Director said it was ‘policy’ that he had to take the bus and I would not be permitted to drive him there myself causing us to leave the reception early. Derrick was needed by the team, they were out of pitchers and had he not been there they would have forfeited the game. They were on the verge of making the playoffs, which the team hadn’t done in years. At an interview where he signed his Letter of Intent to play for William and Mary, he had told the newspaper reporter that the team would make the playoffs that year. He and his coach later laughed about his comment because their team was so young and it seemed an impossible task. The game did not go as planned, and as games go, it wasn’t just one play or one thing that went wrong. Derrick pitched well though, honoring his commitment to the team. Late in the game he dove head first into second, which was typical Derrick style. The short stop stepped on his right arm with his metal cleats, hopefully by accident but one never knows. Derrick tried to yank his arm away, causing the cleats to dig into his arm and drag a long gash across the inner side of his elbow. They bandaged Derrick’s wound, and he pitched the last 2 or 3 innings of the game with blood streaming down his arm. He was my hero that day even though we lost the game. But the team did make the playoffs that year and maybe their fearless captain, Derrick, had helped the young guys to say if he can do that, we can go to the playoffs. In the first round Derrick pitched the game of his life to defeat a team that was supposed to “go all the way”. It was a gritty performance, and in the last inning we were only winning by a slim margin, with 2 men on base and 2 outs. The coach intentionally walked a heavy hitter to load the bases and the crowd all held their breath as the batter who would win or lose the game came to the plate. Someone in the stands said to me, how does Derrick do under pressure? Clutching the rosary hidden in my pocket, I said with confidence, “Very well, if anyone can do it he can”. And he did, striking out the last batter with crafty pitches to win the game and take our breath away. He was my hero again and I was so proud to be his mother, I cried all the way home.
Grandpa's Memorial Service |
The last few years, I would call up Grandma and just talk about nothing and everything. One night I called her at 9:30 or 10 pm because I knew she would still be awake; I was hard boiling eggs and couldn’t remember how long to keep them in the water. The internet was down that night so I did what people used to do before google, I called Grandma. We laughed together because she couldn’t remember either, and I could have cared less about the eggs.. maybe I just needed a good excuse to call her. She always had good “home remedies” for illness like cherries for gout, and rubbing castor oil on achey knees. When she passed away, looking around her house there were a lot of books about natural cures for illness. She was drinking aloe vera juice the year before she died. Now knowing she had pancreatic cancer, I can’t help but think that maybe it extended her life or was preventing the cancer from spreading. The doctor told her to quit drinking it, but maybe she was right.
I took some notes of the things Grandma and I had talked about, and thankfully this time I remembered where I put them. When Grandma was 92 she said, “I can’t believe I’m 92 - I don’t feel like it except that I ache.” “The weather has to do with it I know, but I’ve forgiven the weather and sometimes you just have to put on your raincoat and go out in it.” Grandma always had a way with words. One day we got to talking about when she met Grandpa and she said, “I was still just looking at people, not so much looking for someone.”
We talked about driving and she told me, “I was 14 when my father taught me to drive.” “Back then to get your license you would just go down and ask for it and they gave it to you, there were no rules.” She also said, “Rick is a carbon copy of my father, I think my father was one of AAA’s first customers.” “That is where Derrick Gets his navigating skills and flair for travel.. it was streamed down through to him.” She told me that she wouldn’t drive in the fog because “I know if something would happen whether it was my fault or not, I would be blamed.”
The last family dinner party at my house that Grandma attended was called, “The Great Wall” party. It was in early fall and David had slaved all summer to extend our stone patio and replace some rusty iron fencing with more permanent stone. The project started out small and kept growing with 6 columns and new steps to the back yard. I teased him that he was trying to build the Great Wall of China. The timing of the party was perfect because Grandma had been to a lot of funerals and she needed something fun. It was the best time, I had put pink, burgundy, and yellow fall mums in all of the planters and the patio was a grand masterpiece. I had Italian cafe music playing and too much food. When nobody else was around Grandma said, “I may not live to see Derrick get married.” I think she was trying to tell me that she knew she was leaving me soon.
At the hospital the Saturday before Grandma died, twice she said, “well those days are gone forever” and I had a bad feeling. I had brought her a card and raisin bran muffin because I thought something bland would taste good and she said, “did you make it?” I sheepishly admitted I had purchased it at the store. They were limiting her carbs because of diabetes, and I commented that maybe the nurses wouldn’t want her to have it. To which she replied, “Well they don’t have to know everything.”
Every time I give somebody my unvarnished opinion, I think of Grandma as soon as the words are out of my mouth. I cried every morning for a while after Grandma died and sometimes just for no reason at all. I had saved a voicemail on my cell phone for 5 years of Grandma wishing me a happy birthday. A few weeks before she died my phone conked out and I lost the message, I would give anything to hear her voice now. If I had known it was the last time I would see her, I would have said more that Saturday in the hospital. The flowers I sent to brighten her room in Swaim at Greenridge did not get there in time. I’m sure she knew she was loved, and maybe that’s why she was ready to leave us on her terms, not ours. She didn’t need the flowers, her heart was at peace and my dad was holding her hand.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
BHAGs: Big Hairy Audacious Goals
It's been 2 months since I declared I would attempt a triathlon. At the time, I was seriously wondering if I could learn how to swim in open water non-stop for a quarter mile. But, I knew that I just had to go ahead and sign up and declare that I would do it -- and figure it out as I went along.
Many people to whom I've announced this endeavor, would classify it as a BHAG - a Big Hairy Audacious Goal, a term coined by the famous business author James Collins. BHAGs are meant to be visionary goals that are emotionally compelling. My daily and weekly goals are pretty simple -- just keep trying to do better each time. I'm amazed how much progress I've made in just 2 months using both of these goal setting techniques -- here's a recap.
SWIM: I've been putting the most effort here since it's my weakest sport. I've been trying to swim 4 days a week. My workout log shows that I have swam approximately 11,800 yards and over 15 hours over the last 2 months -- if my pool math is correct, that's over 6.5 miles. My inability to do pool math though started with my original miscalculation on what a quarter mile would be, and it continued last month when I declared that my goal for the month was to be able to swim 200 yards freestyle non-stop. Afterwards, I realized that I meant to state 100 yards -- at the time, it seemed like such a huge endeavor, especially given a month cut short by a few days! I decided not to change the blog post and to keep the BHAG for the month. And guess what -- by mid-month, I was swimming 100 yards non-stop. On February 28 I swam 150 yards non-stop and March 5 (yesterday), I swam 200 yards non-stop! I had my third swimming lesson today and Matt called my progress "amazing".
BIKE: I've spent over 4.5 hours biking 60 miles on the gym stationary bike. In the summer months, I often bike that much just in one weekend. In training now, I'm focusing more on maintaining my speed - RPMs - to be 90 or above. On January 15, I recorded a time 47:38. On March 5, I had shaved 10 minutes off of my time coming in at 37:38.
RUN: And in running 2 miles on the treadmill, I've totaled over 19 miles and also have been focusing on speed. I've managed to shave off over 6 minutes on my time - from 24:23 on Jan. 18 to 18:17 on March 4.
So, for me, goal setting is about setting those BHAGs that just may get you to go farther or faster than you ever imagined as well as just getting out there every day and week and saying, "I'm just going to keep trying to do better than the last time."
Many people to whom I've announced this endeavor, would classify it as a BHAG - a Big Hairy Audacious Goal, a term coined by the famous business author James Collins. BHAGs are meant to be visionary goals that are emotionally compelling. My daily and weekly goals are pretty simple -- just keep trying to do better each time. I'm amazed how much progress I've made in just 2 months using both of these goal setting techniques -- here's a recap.
SWIM: I've been putting the most effort here since it's my weakest sport. I've been trying to swim 4 days a week. My workout log shows that I have swam approximately 11,800 yards and over 15 hours over the last 2 months -- if my pool math is correct, that's over 6.5 miles. My inability to do pool math though started with my original miscalculation on what a quarter mile would be, and it continued last month when I declared that my goal for the month was to be able to swim 200 yards freestyle non-stop. Afterwards, I realized that I meant to state 100 yards -- at the time, it seemed like such a huge endeavor, especially given a month cut short by a few days! I decided not to change the blog post and to keep the BHAG for the month. And guess what -- by mid-month, I was swimming 100 yards non-stop. On February 28 I swam 150 yards non-stop and March 5 (yesterday), I swam 200 yards non-stop! I had my third swimming lesson today and Matt called my progress "amazing".
BIKE: I've spent over 4.5 hours biking 60 miles on the gym stationary bike. In the summer months, I often bike that much just in one weekend. In training now, I'm focusing more on maintaining my speed - RPMs - to be 90 or above. On January 15, I recorded a time 47:38. On March 5, I had shaved 10 minutes off of my time coming in at 37:38.
RUN: And in running 2 miles on the treadmill, I've totaled over 19 miles and also have been focusing on speed. I've managed to shave off over 6 minutes on my time - from 24:23 on Jan. 18 to 18:17 on March 4.
So, for me, goal setting is about setting those BHAGs that just may get you to go farther or faster than you ever imagined as well as just getting out there every day and week and saying, "I'm just going to keep trying to do better than the last time."
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