French Linen

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What We Did Right

For all of you beginner triathletes:
Summarizing the things I did right...
-Download a workout plan & modify it to your needs.
-If you're not a swimmer, take lessons, get good goggles and ear plugs if needed.
-Use "Swim Ear" to prevent ear infections and dry up water in your ears.
-Build up your workouts gradually, stick to the 10% rule.
-Do core training and light weight lifting.
-Buy a wetsuit that is right for your individual preferences.
-Don't panic if you miss a workout - after every 6 weeks of training your body need a "rest week".
-Have a good bike mechanic.
-Research what type of fuel and hydration work best for you prior to the event.
-Eat as much "real food" as possible.  Avoid processed food and look for natural ingredients.

Cathy asked me if I have any new triathons planned and I do not, but I'd like to do the Everybody's Tri in NJ next year.  My body needs a break from "training mode" for a while.  I'm considering doing a 25 mile bike ride here in Lebanon County at the end of August though.  I took a full week and a half off, thanks to a nasty chest cold I got after Quakertown.  My husband said I had swamp fever from eating lake water!  But I needed that break, and I'm easing back into a new workout routine focusing on some aerobic exercise followed by strengthening my leg muscles (hamstrings and hip abductors/adductors).  This should be good for my knee and also my back.  Swimming this week seemed daunting and I was afraid I had lost all of my breathing technique after such a long break, but it felt surprisingly good.  I wanted to jump out of the pool and yell, "I'm a swimmer now, go me!"
I'm happy for Cathy in her new found enjoyment of sport.  I, on the other hand, have been playing sports all my life, and am content to just be in shape these days.  During track, I would always put in extra hours - I started my workouts 2 weeks before the season and spent weekends working on my hurdle form.  Field hockey, track, basketball, years of running, and even playing street hockey with our 3 boys has kept me in shape.  After I had Derrick, I did exercise TV shows like Gil Janklowicz  in my living room.  I ran in the evenings, took D for long stroller walks, and was in my "skinny clothes" by 2 months.  Whenever I see movie stars on the cover of a magazine boasting about their post-baby accomplishments I think, "big deal".  I did it without a personal trainer or private chef!
 Now I just do exercise because I enjoy it.  Training for the triathlon was so much fun because I didn't get bored working on 3 different events.  The whole experience has renewed my enjoyment of the training process, and it was good to do something for myself again.  I plan to continue triathlons, but in order to save my joints, probably just one a year.  

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